Thanks for coming to this little corner of the internet! My name is Katie Dotson and I love making art. While studying graphic design, I accidentally fell in love with screen printing as well, and now use my skills to create fun projects! My philosophy is to only create items that I would purchase for myself, so even if it’s not popular with anyone else at least I’ll like it. You’ll often find my work makes references to things like pop culture, cats, puns, or midwest living. My goal is to create art that other people will enjoy having as much as I enjoy making.
Wondering where the name KD Designs comes in? When I got engaged and discovered my new initials sounded like my first name, I couldn’t resist the chance to use the play on words: KD. Kay-Dee. Katie. You may also find me on various social media as KatieMakesArt or a similar variation- I wanted a screen name that was straight to the point with my name and what I’m usually doing on the internet, so here we are!
Thank you for checking out my website. Keep scrolling if you’re looking for my official artist bio and have a great day!
Katie Dotson, previously Abrahamson, was born and raised in Minot, North Dakota. She attended Minot State University and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in Graphic Design, a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Photography, a minor in Marketing, and an Honors concentration. Her printmaking and photography work has been featured in juried exhibitions around the state of North Dakota including at the Plains Art Museum in Fargo, 62 Doors Gallery & Studios in Minot, and the Northwest Art Center in Minot. She currently works as the Communications and Outreach Specialist for the Minot Area Chamber EDC, with past experience as a Digital Designer for DOVR Media out of Newark, New Jersey and Marketing Director for the 5th Force Support Squadron on Minot Air Force Base. Outside of her daily job she creates freelance commissions, screen prints, apparel, and more - often based around pop culture, references to the midwest, cats, and other things she enjoys. Her philosophy is to design what makes her smile, and not to create anything that she wouldn’t wear or hang on her own wall. Outside of graphic design, screen printing, and drawing, Katie enjoys the occasional artistic endeavor at the theatre, either behind the scenes or on the stage. Her husband Everett joins her on this wild adventure called life as her support and voice of reason. In her free time, she can usually be found watching quite a bit of true crime on Youtube and Netflix, playing video games, or herding her cats Tawny and Benji.